I'm so in love with this cover!
What's this book about?
The story begins a few nights before Lucy Scarborough's prom and takes us through the hardest 10 months of her life.
Lucky lives with her foster parents, Leo and Soledad, and for the summer former boy next door, Zach, has moved in with them. Lucy knows her birth mother, Miranda, but she is a crazy bag lady who shows up every now and then only to disappear again for months.
Lucy get's raped(no detailed description of the incident) on her prom night and ends up pregnant. An extremely difficult situation for a young girl. Lucy finds Miranda's diary, she has written about a curse, a curse on all the Scarborough girls. Is this only ravings of a mad person or is Lucky in danger of turning mad just like her mother?
Almost at the same time a mysterious guy turns up at Soledad's workplace and almost demands a job there. This guy is tall, dark and handsome and he can make other people do almost exactly as he pleases.
My thoughts:
Nancy Werlin's Impossible is inspired by the ballad called Scarborough Fair, depending a bit on your age and taste of music, some of you might have heard the Simon and Garfunkel version of the ballad. In this novel the ballad is the story of the curse and in it are the riddles that must be solved to be freed from it.
It is very difficult for Lucy and her family to figure out how to solve the tasks set forth in the ballad, but unlike the other Scarborough girls Lucy has the love and support of her family. I loved the fact that the parents are there for Lucy, I thought that was a very refreshing change to all the bad, non-caring, neverthereforyou parents portrayed in various young adult novels. Of course many teenagers have strained relationships with their parents, but for me, a person, who has been fortunate to have(still has) a very good relationship with my parents it was quite nice to read about some relative normal parents for a change.
Lucy had a great friend in Zach and their relationship gradually turned into something more than "just friends". They were so sweet together.
There was one thing this story could have benefited from being more developed and that was the bad guy. There was not enough interaction between him and the main characters. I would have loved for him to be a larger part of the story. Still Impossible was a novel I very much enjoyed reading! For me this was a story about love, family and never giving up.
Also worth mentioning: A best friend, Sarah, that actually is nice! Those of you who've read Hush, Hush(Vee) by Becca Fitzpatrick and The Dark Divine(April) by Bree Despain will understand why I'm so enthused over this.
Full disclosure: I read this book as a part of a tour hosted by International Book Tours . "My" copy is on it's way to UK now :)
My rating of this book:
4 stars out of 5.
4 stars out of 5.
Want a second opinion? Check out the reviews written by some of my book blogging friends below:
The Book Rat:
It didn't live up to the excitement generated by its cover or the subject matter, or to the really good threads I saw running through it -- but it wasn't a failure, either, and I don't regret buying it.
The Book Smuggler(Thea):
In spite of all my nitpicking, however, I could not separate myself from this novel and I highly enjoyed it.
Want to know more?
ISBN 13:
For the right mood to this book try listening to this beautiful version of Scarborough Fair: