Some of you might remember that I ranted about a novel called The Fiddler's Gun by A.S. Peterson earlier this year? If you don't remember then please feel free to read my review(I also recommend the author interview). This is a great adventure story for both young adults and adults alike, you don't want to miss out on this great story about the orphan girl named Fin. There is drama, a little bit of love and piracy!
This book deserves to be read and that's why I thought I wanted to ask you my dear readers if you would like to be part of Escape In A Books' very first tour? I'm sending my copy of The Fiddler's Gun to travel the world. You have to agree on the following criteria to join in on this tour:
Since this is a world wide tour I will do my utmost to arrange it so that the book won't have to travel across the world several times(that just unnecessary). Instead of doing it like this from Australia to USA and then to New Zealand and back to the USA again it will be done lit this AUS, NZ, USA, USA(mind you this is just an example).
- You have to have a blog. It doesn't have to be a blog where all the posts are written in English and it doesn't have to be a book blog but your review post have to be written in English.
- You have to be willing to ship the book internationally.
- You will have a week to read the book then you have to post it to the person next on the tour. It's not more than 293 pages so I think a week should be enough :)
- Once the book has been mailed you have a week to write your review of the book. I will write another post later on where the link to your review must be posted.
Would you like to participate in this tour? Leave a comment with your email or email me at: escapeinabook[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
I'm not the first to do this both Alaine - Queen of happy endings & Amy from Romance Book Wyrm have done this already(and perhaps others have done this as well without my knowing of it?).